ICT resources

In this page, you will find links which can be very useful for you during the year.

1. Speak Languages On this webpage we can find complete lists of vocabulary arranged by topics.

2. Breaking News English. This page can provide you with several kinds of knowledge. First, you will be able to read the news in English which will help you with your reading skills.

3. Perfect English Grammar. By clicking on the previous link you will access a page where many grammar points are explained.

4. Learn English. If you click on this link you will have an evidence of the communicative approach I talk about in the blog. In this case, the author of the page show first, the modal, then an example, and finally the function.

5. English Grammar Explanations. This webpage offers an explanation of modal verbs in a way which is not really special or different from the ones you could have seen in previous pages. However, what I liked of it is the fact that examples about how using some modals in different verbal tenses are given.

6. English Vocabulary Lessons. If you take a look at the previous link you will be able to practice the vocabulary you have learnt during some of the units.

7. English Flash Games, this might seem a plain game, however, it is a good way to learn vocabulary. Even though it can seem it is made for kids, your visual memory will be grateful.

8. Mes Games, this is another game page. This time you can find various modalities of game. In the one I have chosen for you, you can click on the food pictures in order to listen to their names. You have to memorize them and then the game starts. A name is said and you have 20 seconds to click on the image.

9. Learn American English Online. I chose that webpage because it provides a broad range of vocabulary. Moreover, it is classified and shows images in order to make the memorizing process easier.

10. Learning Chocolate. This final link is fantastic in order to expand your vocabulary. You will find words arranged in different sections with pictures to elucidate further meaning.

11. British Council During the course of my career as an English student and as a teacher, I have visited this page several times and it has always been useful. I find the division of the teaching pages in the web quite interesting, being separated for ages. I hope you find it helpful too.

12. Learning English This website is another BBC web which I consider absolutely profitable if you want to learn English. It is divided into levels, so depending on how difficult or easy you find the exercises you will do different activities and improve your English.

13. Duolingo is a website but also a mobile app you can use to learn several languages. It is really interesting because you can choose the level you start in by testing your knowledge and you can practice vocabulary, writing short sentences, listening and pronunciation.

14. English at IES Alhadra This page is a really complete one, you can find exercises of all kind in order to practice. There are several sources, depending on the level or on the topic you are interested in.

15. Linguee is not a simple translator or dictionary. During my career as a student, I learnt that Google translator can be your worst enemy! So I started using that page as a support because it not only provides the word you are looking for with its grammatical category, it also provides several examples from web pages so you can look for the word or expression you are really seeking.

16. Elllo is an excellent website to practice your listening. You can listen to people from all over the world talking English about several different topics.

17. Busuu is similar to Duolingo, you can practice different areas of the language depending on your level. Moreover, you can join the social media and chat with other students in order to practice.

18. Vocabsushi will help you to improve your vocabulary using real situations. This website shows a text with gaps. Near the text there are several words with similar meanings, you have to choose the one whose meaning coincides with the word that is missing in the text.

19. Learn English is a web where you can choose what you want to practice: grammar, vocabulary, basic notions, pronunciation and so on. You can also choose how to do it, in a traditional way with activities, and also with games and chats.

20. Exam English, this webpage allows you to check your knowledge of English. In my opinion, it is useful for two things. First of all, you can check your level and if you are planning to do an official English exam this could tell you if you are prepared or not. Moreover, you can always learn from the things you got wrong.

Useful websites used in this blog:

1. YouTube is always a good source to learn English. It is a fantastic tool in which you can find videos with explanations of grammar and vocabulary concepts. Plus, if you feel a little tired someday and you want to learn in a more "passive" way you can always watch a movie or listen to a song (in English of course!)

2. Prezi is a dynamic and new way of making presentations. Similar to a traditional PowerPoint but more dynamic. Students usually pay more attention to this kind of presentations.

3. Mind Meister is a website which allows users to create Mind Maps which have proved to be very useful in the presentation of topics or as a way to review what has been studied.

4. Piktochart truly impressed me the first time I saw one. Using this page you can create posters and infographics which are graphic ways to present information. They attract the attention of the students which is sometimes difficult.

5. PowToon is a page where you can create cartoon videos. I used it to present the topic of food and I found it very fun.

6. Twitter is a social media which will provide the user with information. Consequently, if you know which accounts you should follow you can learn lots of things. For example, Learn English, a Twitter account from the British Council posts tweets every day that can be useful for you.

7. Educaplay as its name shows, this page is the perfect one if you want to create all kind of exercises in an easy way. It is really interesting because you can learn while playing.

8. WordReference is a useful dictionary which contains monolingual dictionaries but can also translate concepts from one language to another.

9. Goodreads is a social network devoted to books. Here you can find new releases of your favourite genres. You can also arrange your books on shelves: books you have read, books you want to read, books you are currently reading...Once you have finished reading a book you can rate it and even write a review about it! The perfect site for bookaholics like me!

10. English e-book is a webpage where you can find lots of e-books arranged by levels.

11. LearnEnglishTeens is a website from the BBC where many different materials can be found: readings, listening activities, news, grammar practice and so on.

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